The Connecticut Writing Project was started in 1982 in the English Department at the University of Connecticut by Professors Bill Rosen, Bill Sheidley, and Bill Curtin. Its goal was, and still is, to improve the writing instruction of teachers at all levels of education and from all disciplines. Over 450 teachers have received Aetna Fellowships to attend CWP Summer Institutes, and thousands more have benefited from its professional development services in schools and its writing programs for students.
Check out this interview on Education Matters where Jason Courtmanche, our director for 17 years, talks about the Connecticut Writing Project-Storrs and the work we do here.
Donations Needed
To ensure the continuing success of the Connecticut Writing Project, we encourage supporters to donate to the CWP Fund at the UConn Foundation. The goal is to allow the Connecticut Writing Project to maintain and expand the programs at the core of its mission to help teachers be better teachers of writing. Dr. Carol Virostek, Connecticut's Teacher of the Year in 1989, shared a little about her experience and why she chose to donate:
"The Summer Institute in 1993 and my Aetna Fellowship made a profound impact on my life, both personally and professionally, for which I will always be grateful. I just wanted you to know that my recent donation to the CWP is a small way of expressing my appreciation to all of you. The CWP literally changed my life. Keep up the great work."
Make a Donation
To Donate through NWP:
Click on the NWP logo. Donations made this way will also provide support for a national network to support all sites.
To Donate through UConn:
Click on the husky – our number is 20113
Thank you!