Emily Inouye Huey, Winner of the 2023 Malka Penn Award, Connecticut Student Writers Recognition Night Keynote Speaker

Emily Inouye Huey, Winner of the 2023 Malka Penn Award, Connecticut Student Writers Recognition Night Keynote Speaker

Connecticut Student Writers 2024


Luisana Duarte Armendárez, Keynote Speaker for the 2024 Connecticut Writing Project Scholastic Writing Awards

Luisana Duarte Armendárez, Keynote Speaker for the 2024 Connecticut Writing Project Scholastic Writing Awards

The 2024 Connecticut Scholastic Writing Awards (coming soon!)

Scholastic Writing Contest

Letters About Literature 2023-24 Finalists and Winners

CSW 2024

Teacher-Writer magazine Fall 2023 is available for download

Teacher-Writer magazine

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RSS The Write Space

  • How do you see yourself contributing? November 16, 2023
      I’ve had a few very interesting interactions with young students lately. Just yesterday I was interviewed by a first-year student from my colleague Inda’s class, and it turns out he lives in Madison and had my cousin Brian for math at the middle school and my former student Josh Young twice for English, sophomore […]
    Jason Courtmanche
  • Taking Refuge in Books and Gardens November 2, 2023
      I’ve been feeling a little at a loss for words or ideas for my blog this semester. I suppose Amy’s breast cancer essentially preoccupies my thoughts, and I am not spending much time contemplating education funding or legislation or pedagogy, for that matter.   I feel a little like I did the year I […]
    Jason Courtmanche

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