The Connecticut Student Writers Contest
The Connecticut Writing Project (CWP) sponsors Connecticut Student Writers (CSW), a magazine established in 1987 by the CWP to honor excellence in writing by students from kindergarten through high school. The highlight of the publication process is the Student Recognition Night, a celebration hosted by the CWP on the UConn campus.
The magazine provides an arena for Connecticut students to present their original work in poetry or prose as well as artwork. The CSW provides validation of authorship from kindergarten through high school, as well as provides an opportunity for some students to present their work before a live audience. Through the CSW pages, Connecticut students recognize the importance of writing in their lives. For some, writing for the CSW offers the stepping stone for further literary endeavors.
Annually, over 1,500 students from across Connecticut submit entries vividly demonstrating their passion for the craft of writing. From this large pool of poetry, essays, stories, drama, and artwork submissions in Poetry, Prose Fiction, Prose Nonfiction and Art are chosen to be published or honored from each grade level.
Submission Guidelines and Forms
For submission guidelines for the 2025 Connecticut Student Writers, click here.
Deadline to submit is February 17, 2025.
To access the parent/guardian permission form, click CSW Parent/Guardian Permission Form.
Lists of all honored students

Click the photo of Adele's Tiger to access complete lists of all published and honored student writers from this year's Connecticut Student Writers magazine.